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Real Estate Exam Prep:
Continuing Education

This book is tailor-made for Connecticut Continuing Education!

Yes, it’s true! Passing a 40-question test satisfies your CE requirement, and is a widely overlooked option to taking 12 hours of courses!

This book will help you save time--and money $$--while freeing you up to satisfy the state's CE requirement at your convenience at any time during your two-year CE cycle!

Retail Price Notice:

(See order form for details.)

      NOTE: If you can wait for delivery, you may also get it
      from an out-of-state supplier for less by clicking here
      and comparing price and delivery time. 

Connecticut Licensees,
Sales and Broker,
take note!

According to the Connecticut Statutes regarding even-year CE requirements for license renewal, you can “test out” of classroom or online courses to meet your CE obligation.

Effective recently, the State revised its CE exam to reflect current mandatory core-course content.

This text is the only one that focuses on what the Connecticut Real Estate Commission wants you to know!

So, get it, read it, and take the test at your convenience in any of the test centers offered by the testing company.

Too Good to be True?

No more panic about "How do I get it done in the final months? Where can I go?" You are now in total control!

Check it out! Have a look at (b)(2) in the actual Continuing Education Statute and then look through the Candidate Information Bulletin for Continuing Education at www.psiexams.com.

The test costs $65 and you have 75 minutes to answer the 40 scored questions; there are also 10 unscored "pretest" questions for a total of 50.

In-state test centers are in Milford and West Hartford; there are more at nearby locations in Massachusetts (Fall River, Boston, Auburn, and Springfield) and New York (New Rochelle and White Plains) as well as by special request at PSI test sites nationwide.

So take advantage of the opportunity to
read and test for less! Anytime!

At your convenience you can review this material and take a test anytime during the two-year cycle between the last even-year renewal and the next one, all for under $100!

This leaves you open to take the CE that matters to you, not the last-minute CE you "have to do."

Salespeople: Be Proactive!  
Test anytime on/after June 1, 2014 for 2016!


Brokers: Be Proactive, too!
Test anytime on/after April 1, 2014 for 2016!

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are ever randomly audited for CE credit, PSI's database will verify that you took--and passed!--the test on your scheduled test date, so your compliance is assured, even if you misplace the Passing Report you will receive at the Exam Site!

We generally ship within one day of order payment, often the same day with online payments!

What's more, we are based in New London, which makes in-state mailing frequently a next-day delivery, two at most!

So don’t delay – order now, and get ready to save time and money by NOT attending a day-long, 12-hour-plus-lunch/dinner-on-your-own cram-session for $100-150!


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