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The book for you is a click away! Find your state and click on the link to the book that will help you make quick sense of all that real estate stuff!

Big News!  eBooks!!!  All of our general prep books (AMP, PSI, and Pearson VUE) along with the Connecticut Regs for Sales and Regs for Broker books, and now the Connecticut CE review, are available as eBooks!

They can be read with the free Kindle or Nook apps for PCs/laptops and many smart phones, which all afford key-word searches, an invaluable aid not only for test review but for in-the-field synopses of essential terms and concepts: professional "jargon support" when you need it most--to pass "pop-quizzes" whenever and wherever they strike!

While we firmly believe nothing can replace the prep-power of flipping pages, making notes and highlighter marks on hard-copy, and having the sample test itself on paper, eBooks have proven to be a highly valuable complement to print.

And on a Kindle device, these eBooks become audio books via the text-to-speech function!
      NOTE: The Kindle Fire device requires a special app for text-to-speech;
                 use the search function to locate and download this app.

With text-to-speech, the learning power of reading is significantly enhanced by engaging a second sense, hearing, as you read along.

Of course, you can always just listen as you drive, too, if that suits your learning style and you have a lot of compatible drive time.

We have priced these at very "complementary" prices between $9.96 and $9.99, since we believe they are an extremely powerful supplement to the print versions of each.

Just go to www.Amazon.com and enter "Morgan Kindle exam prep" in the search line, or www.nook.com and enter "Morgan exam prep" for AMP and Connecticut books, or "PSI exam prep" or "VUE exam prep" for those vendors' general book. Then take your pick and begin reading while you wait for the print book you order on this site to arrive!

NOTE: For Connecticut candidates who order the Combo, you will need to order (1) the PSI general eBook and (2) the Regs eBook for your exam, Sales or Broker, to get the two parts that are combined in the print Combo.

We also have a Bermuda-specific book, prepared at the request of the Bermuda government, which is available by special request -- simply email us at orders @ on-the-test.com and ask for more information, as well a Connecticut CE test-out prep book for those with a special interest in either!

Wow!!  The versatility of eBook versions of our primary prep books is very exciting, not to mention the immediate downloads!

What a great way to get a start on the content while your print order is en route!

Even if you have a license already, having any of these at-hand will be worthwhile for a quick-look at terms and topics that may have grown fuzzy since you were last ploughing through a 40-lb textbook! Get the book(s) used for testing in your state so you'll never have to ask a new licensee for a hand with a forgotten definition!

Exam Prep: AMPExam Prep: AMP (1st edition)--2nd edition due in April 2014

For candidates in AL, GA, IL, MO, MT, NE, NH, NC, ND, SD, VT, WA, and WY.

[ Click here ]

Exam Prep: PSIExam Prep: PSI (3rd edition)

For candidates in CO, CT, HI, IA, KY, LA, MD, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, NV, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, and VA.
[ Click here ]

Exam Prep: PromissorExam Prep: Pearson VUE (formerly Promissor) (3rd edition)

For candidates in AK, AZ, AR, DE, DC, ID, IN, KS, ME, MA, RI, and UT.
[ Click here ]

Exam Prep: Conn ComboExam Prep: Connecticut "Combo" (3rd edition) [Click for an excerpt.]

For candidates in Connecticut: General (PSI) & Connecticut Regs prep in one book!
[ Click here ]

Exam Prep: Conn RegsExam Prep: Connecticut Regs (3rd edition)

For candidates in Connecticut: comprehensive Regs-only review and exam prep!       
[ Click here ]  

Exam Prep: Connecticut Continuing Ed

Passing a 40-question test satisfies your CE requirement, and is a genuine option to taking 12 hours of courses!
[ Click here ]


For candidates: click the following for Connecticut General Statutes governing real
                                                    estate; and
                                     click the following for the Department of Consumer Protection/Real
                                                     Estate; and
                                     click the following for a Candidate Information Bulletin that will walk
                                                     you through the test registration process.

School-Specific Texts (SSTs)

School owners and individual instructors should look here for ideas on how to adapt any of the books above to highlight your importance in your candidates’ educational and testing success!

    [ Click here ]

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