On-The-Test Publishing
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At On-the-Test Publishing, we specialize in Real Estate licensing exams.

We are committed to simplifying and streamlining the complex and extensive body of real estate subject matter, particularly as it relates to licensure testing.

We provide exam prep books for instructors and students that are the most concise, comprehensive, and effective in the country. Each book includes a practice exam that surpasses all others commercially available in matching not only the specifications of the “real” licensing exam, but the exam-quality caliber of individual questions.

We also develop “school-specific” versions of our generic exam prep books as well as “school-secure” end-of-course tests for pre-licensing schools .

Our clients include students, resourceful instructors, pre-licensing schools, and Realtor® associations in over half the country, from the largest states, Alaska and Texas, to the smallest, Hawaii, Delaware, and Rhode Island, as well as dozens more in between and coast-to-coast.

Many of our fine books are now also eBooks! Click on the "Our Books" page for more on this significant enhancement of our line of general and state exam prep books.

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